While we strive for accuracy, the availability of foreclosure properties listed on our site is not guaranteed due to ever-changing market conditions. We invite you to explore other categories, including pre-foreclosures, offering valuable real estate investment opportunities.
Start by searching for available pre-foreclosure properties in your area. These properties aren't usually listed for sale, which means there's less competition from other buyers. Additionally, pre-foreclosures are often sold below market rate, making them great real estate deals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get a great deal on a foreclosed property
Sandtown-Winchester: Located in West Baltimore, is known for its rich history and close-knit community. The locality has been under economic distress recently but there are signs of improvement with a renewed interest in trying to redevelop the place. Foreclosures in Sandtown-Winchester give an opportunity for those wanting to buy properties at low prices and realize high appreciation values due to ongoing development efforts.
Belair-Edison: Situated in Northeast Baltimore, is an affordable neighborhood that offers a wide range of housing types including row houses as well as single-family homes. It appeals to buyers because of its community projects along with close proximity to public transportation systems. First-time homebuyers and investors looking for property within a stable community that is growing should consider investing in belair-edison foreclosures.
Patterson Park: Located in Southeast Baltimore, is an active and vibrant historic neighborhood. There are newer developments as well as older row houses found here though not so many. The recent gentrification efforts on-going here have increased property values making foreclosures in Patterson Park worthwhile investments especially considering the fact that it is near the park.
Reservoir Hill: Is one of Central Baltimores neighborhoods that boasts architecturally lovely buildings which are primarily historic homes. Therefore it may be wise for investors aiming at buying foreclosed homes to pay attention to this particular area because it is undergoing a revitalization process at present. Reservoir Hill has some of the most beautiful historic homes available at reasonable prices with potential for great rehabilitation return on investment boosted by improvements on infrastructure and amenities within the neighborhood.
Highlandtown: Situated also in the South East part of Baltimore city has maintained a strong cultural diversity alongside flourishing arts scene.The Highland town offers diverse housing including historical manors while others being new apartments. Foreclosed homes within Highlandtown and other upscale communities around the city provide an excellent option for investors looking to become part of a vibrant community, which is easily accessible from the downtown business district.
These are several of the neighborhoods in Baltimore that offer many opportunities for investing in foreclosure properties. All these areas have distinct features and growth potential thus making them perfect for real estate investors and home buyers alike.
Median Home Price (12 Mo): $199,900
Median Single-Family Home Price: $332,500
Median Townhouse Price: $227,000
Median 2-Bedroom Price: $323,000
Median 1-Bedroom Price: $119,900
Average Price Per Sq Ft: $152
Number of Homes for Sale: 3,385
Last 12 Months Home Sales: 12,300 (down 5% YoY)
Months of Supply: 4.2 months
Median List Price: $189,900
Median Discount from 1st List Price: 3%
Median Home Sale Price YoY Change: +4.3%
Percentage Rate of Foreclosure: 0.4%
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